Reg. A0009702L ABN: 22 320 640 265
Community Music for all ages and abilities

The DRMC respectfully acknowledges the past and present traditional owners of this land -
The Wurundjeri people, their Ngurungaeta- Murrundindi, and their Elders.
We acknowledge with respect the First Australian peoples as the Traditional Custodians of this country
and their continued connection to land, sea, and culture.

Music for everyone...
Music has the power to transport us to another time and place, and de-stress our world . The Dandenong Ranges Music Council loves to harness that power by facilitating interactions of a broad group of fellow music lovers and passionate musicians alike. Since 1979 the DRMC has found great joy and satisfaction from running community events, mentoring musicians, and supporting those with restricted abilities to be involved in the creative music process.
Take a look around the site to get to know more.

Dear DRMC members and supporters
It has been brought to our attention that there are significant changes being proposed to how music therapy is provided and accessed across the nation. DRMC, since its inception, has advocated for music in all its forms, styles and applications recognising music's wonderful and unique benefits to all of us who live in the Dandenong Ranges and beyond.
We urge you to read the statement via the links below produced by the Australian Music Therapy Association in regard to these proposed changes, and if comfortable, take the suggested action. Music makes so much difference to the lives and wellbeing to all of us. Used with evidence-based therapy approaches, music is a powerful tool in the promotion of wellbeing.
A summary and call for action can be found here:
A summary of evidence can be found here: https://www.austmta.org.au/public/151/files/Website%20general/2024%20AMTA%20Disability%20evidence%20summary.pdf



The Dandenong Ranges Music Council is hosting an afternoon for music creatives of all interests to launch the Music Advisory Collective (MAC). The gathering will provide a chance to network and consider the need for a Music Advisory Collective.
Community Music has been hit hard by covid. Covid stopped singing and the playing of wind instruments, venues were closed, bands were not booked, choirs and wind bands struggled on zoom. Music professionals lost work. The Music Advisory Collective is an opportunity to get together and share knowledge and needs. A survey will be distributed prior to and at the event.
DATE: Sunday 25 June 2023
VENUE: DRMC - Upwey High School 1451 Burwood Hwy Upwey
Enter via Marchant Ave, DRMC is at the west end of the Basketball Stadium.
For further information: EMAIL drmusiccouncil@gmail.com PHONE 0424 910 282
Thanks to Yarra Ranges Council Small Grant for supporting this initiative.
- Private·3 DRBB Member
- Public·3 members
- Public·3 members
- Public·6 members
- Public·3 members

Ludwig van Beethoven
"To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable"
You can find us here...