Welcome to the DRO!
The Dandenong Ranges Orchestra is for Strings, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion. Instrumentalists of all ages and backgrounds are most welcome to attend. We especially cater for hills residents who love to play classical music in their own neighbourhood in a relaxed, friendly and supportive atmosphere. Concerts are also held locally throughout the Yarra Ranges. Currently we have vacancies for all instrumental sections, especially strings and brass so please inquire!

Rehearsal are held on Monday evenings 7.30 - 9.45pm at the Community Music Hub "Blue Room" Block F Upwey High School enter via Marchant Ave. Find us at the of the red brick building.
If you would like to join the orchestra contact the manager of the DRO by emailing musicofthedro@gmail.com. No auditions required. We encourage you to attend a few rehearsals first to see if it's for you. Fees payable include membership of the DRMC