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RYS - Ranges Young Strings

Public·6 members
January 11, 2023 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos. If you would like to join the Ranges Young Strings, you will need to be a financial member of the DRMC (click the 'Join' button above). You can then contact the director of the RYS by emailing:

Please note: rehearsal fees are payable for all ensembles.

Ranges Youth Strings is for primary and secondary-aged musicians who have been learning for a minimum 18 months and can read music. The ensemble will focus on fun music making, music literacy and performance.

We offer string players musical challenges, social experiences and team building, as well as learning performance skills and ensemble development.

Music scholarships are available for Viola, Cello and Double Bass players.

Musical Director - Rosie Burns


Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, ge...
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